Tuesday, February 16, 2010


SELF ESTEEM is an esteemed possesson of a human being.A man is ready to loose his valid material possessions, not his sef-esteem.He is ready to pay any price to preserve his self-esteem.Children are more concerned with their self image and esteem.Modern day parents are not concerned about this.Parents and teachers invariably pass adverse comments on these volatile young children.They do not think about it's adverse effects and how it affect the mind of these youngsters.Children and adolescents are more vulnerable to it.Most of their genuine demands are not respected by their parents.These parents abuse their children verbally with obnoxious languages.They do not know that they are unconsciously inflicting an emotional trauma on the minds of these innocent young children.
Every day the father and the mother hurt these young children with dirty words, bad gestures and cruel comments. These children are emotionally shattered by these incidents. These youngsters are more susceptible to rage and anger.They very often burst into fits and tears.These children weep a lot for unknown reasons.
DR.HABIBULLAH narrates beautifully about the 'child's weep' in his very extraordinary poem.
The poor child expresses his fears and mental agonies with a weep to his unconcerned father.
weep has become
my constant companion
since the moment
I was born.
none knows
the emotional wounds
the inner turmoil,
you inflicted on
my young mind.
I wept, wept and wept
and my weep
turned inside and
trnsformed as 'wheeze'
Is not wheezing
an inner form of weeping.
Is not the cry
an emotional language.
Is not the weep
an emotional communication.
Is not the sob
an exchange of emotions.
Parents in general have a poor perception in reading the facial emotions expressed by their own children.They experience difficulties in recognising the moods of their youngsters.Wheezing in children and adults are mostly due to psychological than physiological, but the physiology of their body is greatly altered by their psychological condition.Wheezing in young adults are due to an abnormal emotional state rather than an abnormal physical state. Children expect love and affection from their parents.If it is denied they become abnormal in their moods and behaviour. It leads to emotional deprivation. These children are more prone to drugs and alcohol and naturally fall into the trap of depression.

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