DR.HABIBULLAH is a highly qualified doctor specialised in pediatric medicine and psychology.In his early years as a biologist he was interested in studies concerned with plant and animal behaviour.He started his career as a pediatrician and developed an interest in the science of mind.Studies on child development, behaviour and emotional health in children enthused him to pursue a course in psychology.His comparative studies on animal and human behaviour opens a new torrent of insight and illumiation.He dwelt deep in the inner depths of sufi mysticism and psychology that quenched his thirst in experiencing the true essence in the science and inner secrets of sufi esotericism.His analytical mind started experimenting and applying this divine science in the field of medical management of diseases.His vision was further enlightened and the puzzle of 'mind over matter' and 'meditation over medicine' found to be justified.His vast knowledge in medical science coupled with the experience in the field of clinical medicine for more than three decades helped him to synthesize the gap.
He introduced his modified,revolutionary sufi meditation, a spiritual exercise technique that revolutionised the field of sufi psychology.His innovative techniques concentrating on the special centres of illumination and creativity paved new ways in converting, rectifying, balancing, purifying and energetising the inner mechanism of body and mind.This special mental excercises and methods have proved remarkable rewarding results in mind body purification process and helped to relieve the mental stress, strain and tension.
It is an alchemical reaction in dissolving the covered personality and exposing the the true individuality of the self.His system of mind healing techniques gave tremendous importance to the principle of 'holism' according to which the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts - aim to achieve a perfect mind body balance, a state where human being is in complete harmony, as an integrated physical, mental, emotional and spiritual entity - a system which brings man into harmony with himself and nature.
A number of common symptoms in children and adults like weezing asthma, seizures, eczema and temper tantrums are exhibited as an abnormal emotional state - a deep rooted emotional component buried deep in their sub concious mind, rather than abnormal physical condition.At a later date these emotions may emerge to the surface of the conscious mind and manifest itself as physical illness.It is not enough to treat the physical symptoms of the body, unless the bad emotions stored in the mind are relieved.Mind healing alone helps to improve the physical and emotional well being of the affected children, adolescents and young adults,only then the quality of life in them will be greatly enhansed and improved.
every child is nothing but the ingredients of their parent's genes and emotions.
a weep turned inside becomes a wheeze. wheezing is an inner form weeping.
a sob is an intimate form of communication - an exchange of affected emotion.
children are tortured when they are in need of the parent's tender love
they are tormented when they long for their affection.
children are degraded when they aspire for their parent's approval.
they are deserted when they deserve a praise.
DR.HABIBULLAH is a master in the art of mind healing.His articles on mind - body health,child health,growth,development,personality and psychology are inspiring,well read and appreciated.Hundreds of his articles appeared in almost all leading news papers,dailies,weeklies and monthly magazines.All India Radio broadcasted some of his medical programmes.He is closely connected with the high-level and apex committees of the government,social and medical organisations both national and international.He was the high - level committee member of the government nutritious meal programme for children and served as a member of the selection committee for president's national awards, ministry of social welfare.He was a member of the tamilnadu government hajj committee and the tamilnadu state wakf - board enquiry committee.
DR.HABIBULLAH is apowerful motivational speaker.Thousands of students,teachers and parents have been highly influenced and inspired by his speeches and their life style have been greatly improved.His psycho-educational programmes are inspiring,heart warming and life transforming.His emotional training workshops are innovative,informative, educative and creative.
His regular workshops on emotional management conducted in india and abroad are well atented by the senior executives of well known corporate houses like ETA-ASCON, MBM, CLIPSAL and many other well known organisations.His book on MIND TRANSPLANTATION is currently under print and yet to be published.His workshops, meditaion camps and talk shows are vivid,lively and inspiring, attracted thousands as his ardent admirers.