Children learn all fundamental things straight from their parents; because children invariably consider their parents as role models. All activities of the parents are not only watched by their children but vividly recorded in their sub - conscious mind, which later on evoke major psycho - somatic disorder, if parental attitude toward their children happened to be violent in nature. Children's mind is like a clean slate; uncorrupted, tender and more fragile. Bad traumatic events disrupts their mind negatively and result in bad behavioural disorder. When the parents accuse their children for their anti social behaviour they should realise that they are unconsciously responsible for their kid's bad habits.
The mental attitude of one such teenager is described beautifully by DR.HABIBULLAH in his poem. Just meditate on it...
i learned all my
first lessons
from you.
you are my
first teacher.
you are my
grand master.
you are my
great hero.
you are my
super model.
i am your copy
i am your print.
i follow your
foot prints.
no school teaches
love and affection,
no college coaches
kindness and generosity.
honesty and integrity
can not be learned.
truth and faith
can not be purchased.
these human traits
can not be trained
only be experienced.
face to face
from the parents
to their children.
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