The interesting incident happened just three days back in chandigarh.The former Haryana police DGP was stabbed by a college student.He did it in a fit of anger.The man Rathore infact molested a fifteen year old young girl some twenty years back and was responsible for the death of the child.The act is probably the anger that he is feeling and nursing in a corner of his mind,thinking that the powerful former police chief is exploiting the situation to his favour by manipulating the law and justice system.
The boy seemed to be a calm,quite and devoted student.He used to talk and discuss with his parents about the injustice,that is prevalent in the society.He is from an affluent family.His father is the professor, in the department of mechanical engineering and his mother is also a professor.
The student, Utsav sharma's name is very familiar in the minds of young students.In the schools and colleges, students very cautiously discuss about this matter.These youngsters consider him as a hero for his courage.
Children are thinking now.They are very cautious and conscious. They know what is happening around them.The atrocities and cruelties committed by these elders are no longer allowed to carry out so easily. The elders may sleep on these matter for a long time,but the youngsters are not ready to allow it anymore.It is the anger and rage nourished in the young mind of the the student,that suddently awakened him and guided him to carry out the assault and violence against the disgraced former police chief. Bad elders should learn lessons from these youngsters.Whatever it be, acts of violence have no place in a civilised society because every honest, law abiding citizen have faith in the judiciary system of our country.
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