Children and adolescents are wounded emotionally when they interact with their parents,friends and relatives even in day to day normal conversations. Since they are young and weak they cannot show their anger towards them in a forceful way. Most of the time their anger is suppressed continuously.Their anger may erupt in their behaviour in a subtle way. At times it explodes ferociously. When it explodes these adolescents throw away their long stored temper tantrums towards their opposing and oppressing parents and care takers.
The minute they loose control of their anger it may lead to serious verbal threats, violence and destruction. These children and adolescents may look like timid, quite and fragile, but once the unexpected and uncontrolled outbursts of temper explodes they behave most outrageously at the slightest provocation. It happens suddenly without any warning and wanes without any trace. Once the anger is gone these adolescents look like fools and behave like retarted kids. They are embarassed, ashamed and terrified when their parents or friends are hurt by their bad behaviour. It is human nature to be violent at times, and cannot be considered as a pathology or inherent mental disorder. But violent behaviour is common among substance abusers. It is common among adolescents with mood disordrs. Neurological complications, brain lesions, epilepsy, mania and depression also provoke temper tantrums and violent outbursts in children and adolescents.
How then the children and adolesents are allowed to express their anger in a reasonable and natural way. Anger in fact is an inborn aggressive instinct. Sports and atheletic world allow these youngsters to express their aggressive impulses in a safe and socially acceptable form. Atheletes and sportmen become super performers with varying degree of success in controlling their anger, violence and aggression and channelising it in a positive and creative ways - that shows them as super stars in their sports field.
Explosive outbursts of anger and violent temper tantrums are considered abnormal if it occurs regularly in children and teenagers. It matters concern if it blows out of proportion, out of control and severe - that may result in bullying, destruction, chronic absenteism in school and drug abuse ends in behavioural disorders.